Understanding Behaviors and the FBA

Currently, I am going through the Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) process with one of my Kindergarteners. Let me tell you, the first month of school hasn't been an easy one! While writing and preparing the FBA with my team, I decided to learn more about it. Instead of reading another article, book, or website, I listened to two podcasts from Education to the Core: Where the Primary Things Are . In two podcasts, Christopher Olson outlines 30 preventive strategies and 20 instructive strategies to do before and during a behavior. Chris Olson has a PhD in Special Education with a focus in young children with challenging behaviors. He has worked in Early Intervention and Emotional Support Classrooms. Side note - For those of you who do not know what an FBA is, here are the basics: it is a process schools use to figure out what is causing challenging behavior from a student a team of school staff (school psychologist, guidance counselor, lead teacher, and possibly other s...